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My Priorities

Clean Safe Water
We must provide clean safe drinking water that exceeds all quality standards, which is why  I 'm committed to our current projects for removing PFAS contaminants.  But not only is clean water an imperative, so too is planning for the next generation of emerging contaminants as they are identified.  

Water Supply and Reliability
We need to both diversify our water supply and add additional storage capacity.  I support continuing to be part of the Joint Powers Authority for increasing the capacity of Los Vaqueros Reservoir, which will add storage for Zone 7 water.   In addition to this increased storage capacity, the Sites Reservoir Joint Powers Authority project will add a new source of water for Zone 7.  And finally, in addition to these two projects, the Delta Conveyance tunnel will improve the reliability of delivery of the state's water project water.            Taken as a whole, these projects will all serve Zone 7 customers to diversify our water supply, increase our capacity for water storage, and improve our water reliability.
It's also important that Zone 7 continue to maintain our groundwater basin with both fresh and recharged water as an important asset for dependable water supply. 
Flood Control
As the agency responsible for preventing and mitigating flooding in the tri-valley, we must finish updating the Flood Master Plan and begin implementing it given severe weather events we have seen. 

Fiscal Responsibility
As delivering clean water gets more complicated, transparency and water retailer involvement becomes even more important.  I am committed to sound, transparent, fiscally responsible decisions as we set rates both for potable water and water for the tri-valley ag customers.
I’m happy to discuss Zone 7 priorities, questions or comments.  Please use the contact page or email me at

Paid for by Kathy Narum for Zone 7 Director 2024
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